Date and Time: 02/25/2020 from 5:30PM - 7:00PM
Cost: Free
Capacity: 50
Join North Dodge Hy-Vee Dietitian Lindsey Frisbie and Customer Care Educational Manager Regina Helm for an evening of fun, valuable information and prizes, tasty food prep with a focus on women’s heart health. Learn how easy and impactful bio-metric screening is, indulge in samples of dark chocolate bark with pomegranate and pistachio, kombucha and learn how to make (and sample:-) heart healthy smoked salmon dip and pear-pomegranate salsa. Participants will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift certificate from Beadology Iowa, two $45 North Dodge Hy-Vee Biometric Screenings and 10% off North Dodge Hy-Vee coupons for everyone!