Showing all 13 results
Brick Stitch Woman in Skirt Pendant
$72.00Date and Time: 06/01/2024 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Capacity: 7
Instructor: Karen Kubby
Prerequisites: No experience needed.
Students will learn brick stitch, one of many off loom bead weaving techniques. Using Delica cylinder beads, students will form the torso of a woman, with 3-dimensional arms. The fringe of the skirt creates a flowing earring or pendant. Choose your woman’s skin tone.
Centerline™ World Peace Bracelet
$75.00Date and Time: 03/22/2022 from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Capacity: 5
Instructor: Alysaa Jakowchuk
Use a new product out on the bead market—an adjustable cuff bracelet. Learn to weave Miyuki Delica 11/0 beads into the cuff declaring your support for World Peace. This is a beautiful, fun, and fast weaving project. No experience needed.
Centerline™ World Peace Bracelet through Kirkwood Community College
$72.00Date and Time: 02/25/2022 from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Capacity: 5
Instructor: Alyssa Jakowchuk
Prerequisites: No experience needed.
Use a new product out on the bead market—an adjustable cuff bracelet. Learn to weave Miyuki Delica 11/0 beads into the cuff declaring your support for World Peace. This is a beautiful, fun, and fast weaving project. No experience needed.
Registration is through Kirkwood Community College. Register at: On site registrations will be taken if registration through Kirkwood meets minimum requirements of two participants.
Instructor: Alyssa Jakowchuk.
$30 instructor fee/$45 materials fee.
New Class! Gyrls Night Out: Cardinal Earrings
$68.00Date and Time: 04/14/2023 from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Capacity: 6
Instructor: Karen Kubby
Prerequisites: Any seed bead weaving experience.
Create triangles with round seed beads and Delicas. See how the Gem Duos fit just perfectly to enhance the geometry of these earrings designed by Carolyn Cave? Connect the two piece and add a feather bead as a final touch.
Beaded Toggle
$68.00Date and Time: 02/09/2019 from -
Capacity: 6
Instructor: Karen Kubby
Prerequisites: Flat or Tubular Peyote Stitch
Use peyote stitch in new and innovative ways to make a beaded toggle clasp. Participants will learn to make a round ring and matching bar using Toho round and Miyuki Delica cylinder seed beads.
Fancy Barbell Toggle–notice new time!
$68.00Date and Time: 01/13/2024 from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Capacity: 6
Instructor: Karen Kubby
Prerequisites: Basic peyote skills. Call for a private tutorial.
Use both your flat and tubular peyote skills and Delica and Toho beads to create a decorated ring and barbell style toggle bar. This allows you to create your own clasp for a beaded creation. Learn tips and tricks to make this process easier.
Raised Diamond Bracelet
$78.00Date and Time: 07/02/2022 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Capacity: 8
Instructor: Karen Kubby
Prerequisites: Flat even count peyote stitch skills
Put your flat even count peyote stitch skills to the test. Use a background of Delicas and 3 sizes of Toho round seed beads to create a repeating pattern that undulates beautifully. The focus of this class will be about following a pattern and pulling tight to synch down when decreasing. Participants will likely not finish this project and the beaded toggle is not part of the class, although the kit will have enough beads in it to make one.
Peyote Stitch Basics
$58.00Date and Time: 03/24/2018 from -
Capacity: 5
Instructor: Karen Kubby
Prerequisites: No experience needed.
Peyote stitch is a basic and incredibly versatile seed bead weaving technique. Beading magazines have many projects that utilize peyote stitch. This workshop will share flat and tubular peyote, even count, using Toho and Delica seed beads. Learn when to use each stitch and walk away with samples of each.
This class is a prerequisite for Color Gradient and Raised Triangle Earrings—both scheduled in April.
Peyote Stitch Beaded Beads through Kirkwood Community College Continuing Education Program
Date and Time: 04/18/2019 from -
Capacity: 8
Instructor: Karen Kubby
Prerequisites: No previous experience necessary.
Weaving with beads isn’t has complicated as it looks. Peyote stitch is a versatile and often used seed bead weaving technique. Students will make beads by beading a rectangle then folding it up and zipping it closed to make a tight and seamless tube. Fancy your bead up by adding layers of embellishment. Samples of finished jewelry using peyote stitch will be available with discussion on the techniques used to construct them.
Registration is through Kirkwood Community College or on site–follow this link to register and look for Beadology Iowa under the instructor search.
On site registrations will be taken but not counted towards the minimum class size in order for the class to take place.
Ruffles Galore Earrings
$88.00Date and Time: 12/16/2023 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Capacity: 6
Instructor: Karen Kubby
Prerequisites: Any seed bead weaving experience.
Participants will use brick stitch round a metal base of their making to create these exquisite earrings. The flatness of the Delica beads helps create contrast to the round beads that make the ruffles.
Peyote Bracelet in Color Gradient
$88.00Date and Time: 02/11/2023 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Capacity: 6
Instructor: Karen Kubby
Prerequisites: Basic peyote stitch skills. Call for a private class or tutorial.
Use Delicas in flat peyote stitch to make this lovely bracelet. In this class you will learn how to do beaded color grading in a simple, yet efficient manner. Then you will learn to finish the edges of this bracelet with a picot technique. Finally, learn to add a clasp with a loop closure. That’s three skills in one project!!
$78.00Date and Time: 10/30/2021 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Capacity: 8
Instructor: Karen Kubby
Prerequisites: Basic peyote skills. Call to schedule a private tutorial.
These earrings are meant to reclaim our sexual anatomy and derive power from the process. Use your peyote stitch skills to make a marquise base with Myuki Delica beads. Then use Toho beads to create ruffles. Add a pearl in just the right spot. Participants will make one earring in class.
New Class! Star Ornament
$88.00Date and Time: 10/27/2024 from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Capacity: 6
Instructor: Jim Emigh
Prerequisites: Any seed bead weaving experience.
Part 1 of this class will focus on creating multiple components for this great holiday ornament. Participants will use Delica seed beads to create each component. Some components may need to be made in between Parts 1 & 2 of this class—yes, there is homework. Part 2 of this class held on Sunday, November 3 from 1-4pm, will place a focus on connecting components to create the star ornament.